ChronoCatfish 20031006 |
Now, I realise that I've been updating even less than the average Sonic sprite comic. This is assumedly
bad. But I draw your attention to the fact that update schedules, in and of themselves, are
like squirrel pillows. And with that, I refuse to go anywhere with that analogy. Your brain thanks me. Or at the very least, it will once I'm through with it. Anyway, this rant isn't about analogies, updates, pillows, or squirrels. Nor is it about any twisted combination of the above. This rant is about Lenny. Those of you who either read, or possibly don't read, Shaman King will know what I'm talking about here. However, I will now call into effect my right to insult the intelligence of any group by explaining whatever the hell I'm talking about. Lenny. At any rate, the Shaman King manga featured Tao Ren, the badass and evil shaman kid. When dubbing the anime, the name was apparently changed to Tao Len. Okay, nothing to be bitter about. Yet. Episode 2: Tao Len appears for the first time, just to say something dramatic, thus providing FORESHADOWING, which is in all caps because it's badass. However, as nothing else happens here, I guess it's pretty pointless to mention it. So I'll stop now. Really. Episode 3: Tao Len appears again, his name is revealed, and he does some pretty badass stuff such as cleaving a truck in half, and... fighting Yoh... and cleaving a truck in half! He is also dubbed with a british accent, presumably to emphasize the evil. Apart from the fact that he's supposed to be Chinese, there are no apparent problems with that. He's also wearing short shorts, but you don't actually notice until Yoh points it out. Still, it doesn't look like the dubbing really messed anything up, right? Episode 4: Wrong. First of all, at this point, someone arbitrarily decided that no one would ever take Tao Len seriously ever again. And so, everyone started calling him Lenny. And I mean everyone. First it seemed like it was just a taunt. But then the spirits of his ancestors picked it up as well. "Don't fail us, Lenny." Anyway, his name became Lenny. Even a dog would have called him Lenny, if the dog was able to talk and not too busy travelling through time. Still, it must have seemed to whoever was responsible (and so must DIE) that some people might actually be able to find the name Lenny threatening. What to do, they wondered, saliva dribbling from their ooze-like brains with every centithought... and then it hit them. Not fatally, unfortunately. They just geared the dubbing steadily further into the "snotty British child" cesspool. So the end result calls Yoh "Old chap" on several occasions, says things like "Beating you is like playing tiddlywinks with my sister" or "Just get this over with so I can go play billiards at the club" in a heavily overdone british accent, is named Lenny, and wears short shorts. That last one isn't the fault of the dubbing, but... *shudder* At any rate, mere contemplation is kicking my soul in several places where my soul would rather not be kicked, and so I'll speak more come Thursdays update. So long, all you nonexistent readers! |